all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 8JQ 19 0 52.147378 1.049786
IP6 8JR 36 1 52.12301 1.073764
IP6 8JS 13 0 52.123171 1.070356
IP6 8JT 12 0 52.122758 1.06929
IP6 8JU 2 0 52.120773 1.062638
IP6 8JW 8 0 52.13057 1.07978
IP6 8JX 2 0 52.121184 1.055799
IP6 8JY 4 0 52.122713 1.054749
IP6 8JZ 3 0 52.117822 1.05608
IP6 8LA 6 0 52.117175 1.056401
IP6 8LB 4 0 52.115404 1.061568
IP6 8LD 2 0 52.113541 1.066816
IP6 8LE 4 0 52.118959 1.075647
IP6 8LG 3 0 52.132287 1.085028
IP6 8LH 2 0 52.145572 1.082862
IP6 8LJ 8 0 52.141291 1.080125
IP6 8LL 8 1 52.147745 1.074036
IP6 8LP 3 3 52.148287 1.080155
IP6 8LU 18 0 52.157651 1.052113
IP6 8LX 10 6 52.156026 1.055467