all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 8LY 35 0 52.161149 1.056271
IP6 8LZ 29 0 52.161693 1.054744
IP6 8NA 14 1 52.163427 1.055492
IP6 8NB 6 0 52.164241 1.054962
IP6 8ND 3 0 52.165805 1.052261
IP6 8NF 59 2 52.170669 1.067192
IP6 8NG 3 0 52.171892 1.072703
IP6 8NH 24 3 52.15507 1.063882
IP6 8NJ 2 0 52.160133 1.05939
IP6 8NL 6 0 52.168744 1.063052
IP6 8NN 5 0 52.163465 1.054383
IP6 8NP 1 0 52.150386 1.083107
IP6 8NQ 3 0 52.168447 1.062359
IP6 8NR 3 0 52.169579 1.066576
IP6 8NS 4 3 52.147968 1.062429
IP6 8NT 12 8 52.14936 1.058987
IP6 8NU 12 0 52.150422 1.062057
IP6 8NX 4 0 52.151443 1.073311
IP6 8NY 1 0 52.150538 1.080384
IP6 8NZ 32 25 52.148249 1.060884