all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 8PA 8 0 52.155912 1.086765
IP6 8PB 1 0 52.158365 1.088558
IP6 8PD 1 1 52.158879 1.088842
IP6 8PE 1 0 52.161486 1.089228
IP6 8PF 5 0 52.168086 1.089963
IP6 8PG 2 0 52.172476 1.095782
IP6 8PH 10 0 52.178448 1.092349
IP6 8PJ 12 0 52.177442 1.085755
IP6 8PL 2 0 52.180879 1.086095
IP6 8PN 8 0 52.175574 1.079145
IP6 8PP 7 0 52.174597 1.075888
IP6 8PQ 2 0 52.178451 1.062929
IP6 8PR 1 0 52.168147 1.061783
IP6 8PS 2 0 52.163303 1.06164
IP6 8PT 3 0 52.160277 1.063932
IP6 8PU 1 0 52.159316 1.06489
IP6 8PW 7 0 52.175092 1.076932
IP6 8PX 4 0 52.164562 1.069609
IP6 8PY 1 0 52.158239 1.064802
IP6 8PZ 4 0 52.157692 1.065422