all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 0HU 43 0 52.113732 1.096981
IP6 0HW 80 0 52.113584 1.096138
IP6 0HX 1 1 52.109367 1.103689
IP6 0HY 9 0 52.108224 1.109087
IP6 0HZ 28 0 52.107246 1.109764
IP6 0JA 12 0 52.109419 1.101955
IP6 0JB 8 2 52.109876 1.101022
IP6 0JE 1 1 52.104341 1.099104
IP6 0JG 1 1 52.111746 1.09769
IP6 0JH 9 0 52.112125 1.095861
IP6 0JJ 8 0 52.107948 1.102846
IP6 0JL 1 1 52.108488 1.102489
IP6 0JN 8 0 52.107735 1.102042
IP6 0JP 6 0 52.107845 1.101626
IP6 0JQ 8 0 52.112607 1.094638
IP6 0JR 2 0 52.108097 1.100928
IP6 0JS 6 0 52.108251 1.100909
IP6 0JT 1 1 52.106695 1.100918
IP6 0JU 4 0 52.107682 1.100987
IP6 0JW 1 1 52.106476 1.098376