all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 0EL 3 0 52.103192 1.126935
IP6 0EN 11 0 52.107236 1.134171
IP6 0EP 1 0 52.113503 1.138292
IP6 0EQ 9 2 52.105975 1.118308
IP6 0ER 1 0 52.110205 1.14291
IP6 0ES 1 0 52.110333 1.151961
IP6 0ET 46 0 52.105421 1.113829
IP6 0EU 6 0 52.10434 1.114133
IP6 0EX 7 0 52.108318 1.122196
IP6 0EY 13 0 52.107256 1.117462
IP6 0HE 5 0 52.106266 1.109345
IP6 0HG 5 0 52.093686 1.154876
IP6 0HH 5 0 52.094469 1.152171
IP6 0HJ 2 0 52.099142 1.152676
IP6 0HL 7 3 52.10265 1.153318
IP6 0HP 25 0 52.107958 1.107564
IP6 0HQ 22 0 52.113414 1.095074
IP6 0HR 7 0 52.112809 1.095514
IP6 0HS 41 1 52.10702 1.108025
IP6 0HT 20 0 52.107278 1.108452