all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 0JY 1 1 52.108403 1.101957
IP6 0JZ 20 1 52.107211 1.098369
IP6 0LB 3 3 52.105512 1.097667
IP6 0LG 1 0 52.110884 1.095176
IP6 0LH 7 0 52.113188 1.093729
IP6 0LJ 1 0 52.113965 1.09222
IP6 0LL 12 0 52.113762 1.093097
IP6 0LN 5 0 52.114309 1.09258
IP6 0LP 12 0 52.115646 1.09089
IP6 0LQ 4 0 52.112411 1.093544
IP6 0LR 6 0 52.11533 1.091628
IP6 0LS 10 0 52.1159 1.091141
IP6 0LT 38 0 52.115317 1.089392
IP6 0LU 12 0 52.117835 1.089405
IP6 0LX 2 0 52.119794 1.089512
IP6 0LY 6 0 52.12149 1.088212
IP6 0LZ 10 0 52.122266 1.087798
IP6 0NA 16 0 52.114342 1.090201
IP6 0NB 2 0 52.114206 1.088862
IP6 0ND 81 0 52.115426 1.085557