all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 0QP 1 1 52.12769 1.144945
IP6 0QQ 10 0 52.12211 1.133885
IP6 0QR 3 0 52.125275 1.146806
IP6 0QS 5 0 52.121534 1.149435
IP6 0QT 25 1 52.119284 1.149875
IP6 0QX 8 2 52.118714 1.154028
IP6 0QU 1 0 52.118031 1.150678
IP6 0QW 1 0 52.127899 1.143791
IP6 0QY 6 0 52.130218 1.098359
IP6 0QZ 14 0 52.119168 1.154557
IP6 0RA 8 0 52.11944 1.155497
IP6 0RB 10 0 52.104675 1.117443
IP6 0RD 5 0 52.104513 1.117125
IP6 0RE 6 0 52.104596 1.116707
IP6 0RG 3 0 52.122224 1.164679
IP6 0RH 21 0 52.118215 1.152853
IP6 0RJ 7 0 52.117179 1.152532
IP6 0RL 7 7 52.105259 1.093341
IP6 0RN 10 0 52.117181 1.154475
IP6 0RP 10 0 52.119055 1.153015