all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 0PL 4 0 52.12311 1.102921
IP6 0PN 1 0 52.124984 1.101078
IP6 0PP 7 1 52.131118 1.097983
IP6 0PR 2 0 52.131787 1.095457
IP6 0PS 4 1 52.113265 1.115749
IP6 0PT 4 0 52.114641 1.121221
IP6 0PU 11 3 52.116086 1.12645
IP6 0PW 2 0 52.128085 1.101148
IP6 0PX 1 0 52.117776 1.128789
IP6 0PY 32 0 52.11199 1.112943
IP6 0QA 1 0 52.120435 1.138385
IP6 0QB 1 0 52.11955 1.145642
IP6 0QD 2 0 52.122077 1.137156
IP6 0QE 1 0 52.119749 1.125275
IP6 0QF 7 0 52.123455 1.130648
IP6 0QG 1 0 52.121901 1.132614
IP6 0QH 1 0 52.125182 1.132084
IP6 0QJ 1 0 52.125936 1.131071
IP6 0QL 6 0 52.127274 1.138574
IP6 0QN 7 0 52.127535 1.141938