all postcodes in KW10 / GOLSPIE

find any address or company within the KW10 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW10 6AB 2 0 57.972714 -3.978597
KW10 6RA 56 14 57.974622 -3.972441
KW10 6TG 32 10 57.973105 -3.976572
KW10 6RB 1 1 57.974999 -3.970704
KW10 6RF 1 1 57.975496 -3.97342
KW10 6RH 18 3 57.975045 -3.968897
KW10 6RJ 1 1 57.97545 -3.970191
KW10 6RN 10 4 57.975859 -3.971495
KW10 6RP 13 1 57.975531 -3.964814
KW10 6RQ 22 0 57.977508 -3.972346
KW10 6RR 1 1 57.975898 -3.965443
KW10 6RS 14 4 57.977324 -3.965081
KW10 6RU 25 0 57.978524 -3.965908
KW10 6RW 7 6 57.975496 -3.97342
KW10 6RX 5 0 57.977312 -3.966417
KW10 6RY 5 0 57.978377 -3.96842
KW10 6RZ 15 0 57.979144 -3.968208
KW10 6SA 51 1 57.978755 -3.97069
KW10 6SB 64 0 57.979084 -3.971469
KW10 6SD 4 1 57.976958 -3.982433