all postcodes in KW10 / GOLSPIE

find any address or company within the KW10 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW10 6TF 3 0 57.973079 -3.976347
KW10 6TH 17 2 57.974485 -3.977236
KW10 6TJ 28 0 57.973746 -3.979647
KW10 6TL 40 1 57.974001 -3.978275
KW10 6TN 14 0 57.972933 -3.979556
KW10 6TP 14 0 57.973631 -3.980706
KW10 6TQ 16 2 57.972199 -3.979207
KW10 6TR 28 0 57.973046 -3.981959
KW10 6TS 12 0 57.972664 -3.980501
KW10 6TT 18 1 57.970643 -3.982215
KW10 6TU 14 0 57.976517 -3.974778
KW10 6TW 20 0 57.973012 -3.981213
KW10 6TX 14 0 57.970929 -3.982857
KW10 6TY 14 0 57.971351 -3.980039
KW10 6TZ 27 0 57.977474 -3.974509
KW10 6UA 2 0 57.972249 -3.980735
KW10 6UB 5 5 57.970135 -3.990574
KW10 6UD 7 0 57.971279 -3.993955
KW10 6UF 16 0 57.971843 -3.99454