all postcodes in KW12 / HALKIRK

find any address or company within the KW12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW12 6UJ 6 0 58.500126 -3.481609
KW12 6UL 25 0 58.487993 -3.487917
KW12 6UN 19 1 58.473313 -3.504357
KW12 6UP 18 0 58.442815 -3.497641
KW12 6UR 9 0 58.337095 -3.698249
KW12 6UU 19 0 58.526455 -3.456746
KW12 6UW 11 0 58.459829 -3.483273
KW12 6UX 16 1 58.52741 -3.408573
KW12 6UY 11 1 58.507275 -3.376855
KW12 6UZ 38 0 58.508937 -3.418852
KW12 6XA 44 3 58.498633 -3.454615
KW12 6XB 18 1 58.539991 -3.467418
KW12 6XD 4 0 58.521106 -3.481859
KW12 6XE 28 0 58.520357 -3.482909
KW12 6XF 39 1 58.521795 -3.497582
KW12 6XG 14 0 58.517842 -3.498426
KW12 6XH 3 0 58.513465 -3.488205
KW12 6XJ 34 0 58.480141 -3.550638
KW12 6XN 43 3 58.515539 -3.489452
KW12 6XP 17 0 58.514558 -3.490321