all postcodes in KW14 / THURSO

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Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW14 7QP 0 58.553201 -3.61589
KW14 7QQ 10 0 58.584581 -3.535733
KW14 7QR 10 2 58.548573 -3.607394
KW14 7QS 25 0 58.582591 -3.535336
KW14 7QT 3 0 58.583348 -3.532875
KW14 7QU 28 25 58.586188 -3.538057
KW14 7QW 24 1 58.571158 -3.625074
KW14 7QX 25 0 58.582358 -3.535695
KW14 7QY 1 1 58.552584 -3.689642
KW14 7QZ 5 1 58.552628 -3.688355
KW14 7RA 12 0 58.558437 -3.658897
KW14 7RB 11 0 58.515081 -3.654412
KW14 7RD 4 0 58.55494 -3.710466
KW14 7RE 42 3 58.559565 -3.770908
KW14 7RF 4 0 58.558326 -3.785748
KW14 7RG 18 1 58.558395 -3.787918
KW14 7RH 31 0 58.555127 -3.792925
KW14 7RJ 7 0 58.556565 -3.792843
KW14 7RL 11 0 58.556505 -3.795883
KW14 7RN 13 0 58.563165 -3.803307