all postcodes in KW14 / THURSO

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Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW14 7SW 21 0 58.587557 -3.540697
KW14 7SX 10 0 58.52696 -4.223905
KW14 7SY 13 0 58.529571 -4.221992
KW14 7SZ 14 2 58.532507 -4.199158
KW14 7TA 21 0 58.534973 -4.192809
KW14 7TB 28 0 58.542228 -4.156791
KW14 7TD 14 0 58.525397 -4.223892
KW14 7TH 65 5 58.522344 -4.278106
KW14 7TJ 28 0 58.535927 -4.315023
KW14 7TY 1 1 58.579672 -3.737747
KW14 7TZ 1 1 58.579649 -3.737773
KW14 7UB 18 0 58.600869 -3.545947
KW14 7UD 41 0 58.599962 -3.546664
KW14 7UE 33 0 58.601061 -3.544131
KW14 7UF 1 0 58.605092 -3.550281
KW14 7UG 8 0 58.60026 -3.538313
KW14 7UH 29 0 58.603814 -3.549002
KW14 7UJ 40 27 58.612077 -3.54948
KW14 7UL 1 1 58.611373 -3.551609
KW14 7UN 8 0 58.607554 -3.554005