all postcodes in KW9 / BRORA

find any address or company within the KW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW9 6LA 3 1 58.013676 -3.856167
KW9 6LE 1 1 58.013636 -3.866724
KW9 6LN 29 2 58.019964 -3.855473
KW9 6LP 39 1 58.026381 -3.848507
KW9 6LR 11 1 58.023753 -3.870333
KW9 6NG 66 1 58.017692 -3.875027
KW9 6LS 12 0 58.031667 -3.867291
KW9 6LT 15 0 58.034535 -3.853027
KW9 6LU 15 0 58.037953 -3.840957
KW9 6LW 7 0 58.019233 -3.856925
KW9 6LX 19 0 58.065347 -3.975871
KW9 6LY 10 0 58.0127 -3.853353
KW9 6LZ 6 0 58.01462 -3.84917
KW9 6NA 1 0 58.006529 -3.861276
KW9 6NB 5 0 58.012091 -3.854422
KW9 6ND 15 0 58.012217 -3.857492
KW9 6NE 6 0 58.011963 -3.871905
KW9 6NF 14 0 58.012924 -3.863809
KW9 6NH 18 1 58.027052 -3.889188
KW9 6NQ 11 0 58.013594 -3.882972