all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 1EL 26 0 56.029823 -3.388596
KY11 1EN 15 0 56.028598 -3.388538
KY11 1EP 5 0 56.01256 -3.392341
KY11 1EQ 12 0 56.031248 -3.388984
KY11 1ER 26 1 56.01218 -3.391814
KY11 1ES 25 0 56.032985 -3.393093
KY11 1ET 18 0 56.010969 -3.402758
KY11 1EU 21 0 56.01386 -3.391024
KY11 1EW 3 0 56.015295 -3.391284
KY11 1EX 14 0 56.013638 -3.392396
KY11 1EY 5 0 56.013017 -3.393288
KY11 1EZ 10 0 56.012919 -3.390798
KY11 1HA 10 0 56.010094 -3.397529
KY11 1HB 14 0 56.010672 -3.399603
KY11 1HD 10 5 56.022188 -3.4031
KY11 1HE 27 0 56.014326 -3.393543
KY11 1HF 3 3 56.038275 -3.397663
KY11 1HJ 2 0 56.020433 -3.38866
KY11 1HL 6 1 56.022493 -3.399197
KY11 1HN 9 0 56.022477 -3.403753