all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 1HP 4 1 56.014574 -3.405293
KY11 1HQ 8 3 56.038699 -3.394021
KY11 1HR 1 1 56.068286 -3.449593
KY11 1HT 1 1 56.038888 -3.394798
KY11 1HW 12 1 56.009864 -3.400727
KY11 1HY 5 4 56.038436 -3.402501
KY11 1HZ 18 18 56.038172 -3.405203
KY11 1JA 1 0 56.010739 -3.397713
KY11 1JB 7 0 56.010195 -3.39572
KY11 1JD 37 1 56.012866 -3.39872
KY11 1JE 30 0 56.012636 -3.396787
KY11 1JF 33 1 56.013198 -3.397176
KY11 1JG 26 3 56.009058 -3.394525
KY11 1LB 9 0 56.009728 -3.394886
KY11 1JH 1 1 56.012061 -3.395194
KY11 1JJ 8 0 56.010243 -3.39468
KY11 1JL 26 0 56.012011 -3.397214
KY11 1JN 8 0 56.011539 -3.396074
KY11 1JP 7 0 56.009469 -3.393946
KY11 1JR 11 1 56.009136 -3.391656