all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 1LT 31 0 56.025746 -3.402315
KY11 1LU 16 0 56.026061 -3.402278
KY11 1LW 32 8 56.029211 -3.399488
KY11 1LX 20 2 56.031149 -3.396573
KY11 1LY 2 0 56.030718 -3.395304
KY11 1NA 4 0 56.031533 -3.392832
KY11 1NB 43 1 56.031737 -3.394956
KY11 1ND 17 0 56.031828 -3.396132
KY11 1NE 64 0 56.03326 -3.394258
KY11 1NF 53 0 56.035664 -3.398598
KY11 1NG 15 0 56.03542 -3.397129
KY11 1NH 7 1 56.033453 -3.395772
KY11 1NJ 2 2 56.035162 -3.395641
KY11 1NL 26 10 56.03092 -3.398088
KY11 1NN 39 10 56.030408 -3.39775
KY11 1PL 5 3 56.035006 -3.388012
KY11 1NQ 15 1 56.035218 -3.396656
KY11 1NR 35 0 56.03311 -3.39796
KY11 1NU 41 2 56.029635 -3.39692
KY11 1NZ 6 6 56.037627 -3.394638