all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 2EP 24 0 56.033481 -3.4198
KY11 2ES 31 0 56.027157 -3.425056
KY11 2ET 6 0 56.028559 -3.425027
KY11 2EU 23 1 56.028547 -3.427578
KY11 2EW 32 0 56.03427 -3.419171
KY11 2EX 4 0 56.028018 -3.428281
KY11 2EY 21 0 56.028828 -3.425888
KY11 2EZ 40 0 56.027509 -3.427235
KY11 2GA 72 0 56.033473 -3.428242
KY11 2GB 44 0 56.033942 -3.429623
KY11 2HA 4 0 56.028193 -3.427499
KY11 2HB 21 0 56.027805 -3.426524
KY11 2HD 17 0 56.02783 -3.425867
KY11 2HE 22 0 56.026927 -3.426315
KY11 2HF 12 0 56.026771 -3.425748
KY11 2HH 14 0 56.030635 -3.426596
KY11 2HJ 15 0 56.031516 -3.42573
KY11 2HL 6 0 56.032786 -3.425504
KY11 2HN 21 0 56.033003 -3.424613
KY11 2HP 41 1 56.032098 -3.423617