all postcodes in KY12 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY12 9RS 6 0 56.084059 -3.567017
KY12 9RT 37 0 56.084869 -3.564029
KY12 9RU 5 1 56.084016 -3.565724
KY12 9RW 3 1 56.084792 -3.56589
KY12 9RX 2 0 56.08315 -3.56315
KY12 9RY 5 0 56.083394 -3.562056
KY12 9RZ 7 0 56.083302 -3.56006
KY12 9SA 2 0 56.082787 -3.564115
KY12 9SB 8 0 56.082418 -3.565279
KY12 9SD 14 0 56.08314 -3.561468
KY12 9SE 14 0 56.08176 -3.561187
KY12 9SF 32 0 56.081193 -3.560553
KY12 9SG 10 0 56.082441 -3.560668
KY12 9SH 20 0 56.082908 -3.562053
KY12 9SJ 42 0 56.083339 -3.559242
KY12 9SL 30 0 56.081978 -3.559621
KY12 9SN 9 0 56.081552 -3.559925
KY12 9SP 62 0 56.081813 -3.564821
KY12 9SQ 12 0 56.082625 -3.558892
KY12 9SW 18 0 56.082549 -3.563452