all postcodes in KY12 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY12 9PG 0 56.078272 -3.481139
KY12 9PH 0 56.08601 -3.603321
KY12 9PJ 1 56.086437 -3.602937
KY12 9PN 0 56.08712 -3.603576
KY12 9PP 0 56.088887 -3.60111
KY12 9PQ 0 56.083661 -3.519283
KY12 9PR 0 56.089902 -3.600413
KY12 9PS 2 56.088052 -3.601027
KY12 9PT 0 56.089546 -3.600173
KY12 9PU 0 56.087265 -3.604932
KY12 9PW 0 56.088624 -3.602642
KY12 9PX 0 56.088845 -3.6036
KY12 9PY 0 56.083307 -3.610762
KY12 9QB 4 56.087458 -3.566785
KY12 9QD 0 56.083571 -3.570067
KY12 9QE 0 56.085668 -3.569027
KY12 9QF 7 56.08624 -3.568616
KY12 9QG 2 56.086968 -3.572134
KY12 9QH 6 56.085386 -3.567199
KY12 9QJ 0 56.08546 -3.564229