all postcodes in KY12 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY12 9TA 10 1 56.126873 -3.576416
KY12 9TB 5 0 56.144077 -3.571068
KY12 9TD 8 0 56.140932 -3.552625
KY12 9TE 4 0 56.1374 -3.514262
KY12 9TF 6 3 56.131706 -3.523077
KY12 9TG 27 1 56.111945 -3.572632
KY12 9TH 39 1 56.112584 -3.570235
KY12 9TJ 33 0 56.113148 -3.57111
KY12 9TL 32 2 56.114185 -3.570075
KY12 9TP 45 0 56.112443 -3.567881
KY12 9TQ 14 0 56.113145 -3.572751
KY12 9TR 97 0 56.111738 -3.566807
KY12 9TS 20 0 56.11591 -3.57222
KY12 9TT 6 0 56.116786 -3.562922
KY12 9TU 3 0 56.119338 -3.57043
KY12 9TX 3 0 56.113661 -3.570327
KY12 9TY 7 0 56.110656 -3.567021
KY12 9UB 2 0 56.113814 -3.611677
KY12 9UD 1 0 56.108898 -3.619743
KY12 9UE 1 0 56.112754 -3.618265