all postcodes in KY / Kirkcaldy

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Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District

KY / Kirkcaldy

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 4HB 5 1 56.197474 -2.994851
KY8 4HE 7 5 56.195953 -2.996491
KY8 4HF 3 0 56.198419 -2.994746
KY8 4HG 8 0 56.19927 -2.994994
KY8 4HH 14 0 56.197524 -2.994272
KY8 4HJ 14 9 56.195511 -2.995477
KY8 4HN 5 0 56.195061 -2.993305
KY8 4HP 20 0 56.195513 -2.992898
KY8 4HQ 6 0 56.19906 -2.994376
KY8 4HR 18 0 56.19683 -2.992271
KY8 4HS 24 2 56.197649 -2.989843
KY8 4HT 1 1 56.199079 -2.988622
KY8 4HW 7 0 56.195423 -2.994121
KY8 4HX 22 0 56.196407 -2.993682
KY8 4HY 16 2 56.19564 -2.991873
KY8 4HZ 8 3 56.197629 -2.989053
KY8 4JB 7 0 56.198337 -2.993777
KY8 4JD 16 1 56.197639 -2.99226
KY8 4JE 4 1 56.197186 -2.990476
KY8 4JF 27 1 56.198774 -2.99079