all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 8RB 0 53.424872 -2.899859
L12 8RD 0 53.424178 -2.898941
L12 8RE 12 53.429421 -2.899819
L12 8RF 1 53.429789 -2.898668
L12 8RG 0 53.430831 -2.897591
L12 8RH 0 53.423706 -2.898359
L12 8RJ 0 53.429821 -2.903982
L12 8RL 40 0 53.431527 -2.90304
L12 8RN 36 0 53.4332 -2.899297
L12 8RP 21 1 53.430023 -2.903429
L12 8RQ 8 0 53.431802 -2.896257
L12 8RR 44 0 53.431184 -2.902024
L12 8RS 14 0 53.430832 -2.899804
L12 8RT 33 0 53.430147 -2.90003
L12 8RU 29 0 53.429003 -2.898034
L12 8RW 40 0 53.431242 -2.902582
L12 8RX 11 0 53.430702 -2.896791
L12 8RY 12 0 53.429597 -2.897927
L12 8RZ 40 0 53.429698 -2.897537
L12 8SA 4 0 53.43082 -2.896598