all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 8SJ 16 2 53.429354 -2.901488
L12 8SL 4 0 53.428445 -2.900401
L12 8SN 36 10 53.42892 -2.903029
L12 8SP 6 0 53.428964 -2.900576
L12 8SR 43 0 53.429826 -2.896065
L12 8SU 4 0 53.427182 -2.904452
L12 8SW 3 0 53.429074 -2.900429
L12 8SY 1 1 53.431936 -2.89769
L12 8TH 13 0 53.431703 -2.895111
L12 8TQ 37 1 53.431273 -2.895944