all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 1AA 16 3 53.410195 -2.919692
L13 1AJ 1 1 53.409846 -2.920648
L13 1BA 12 2 53.407478 -2.919709
L13 1BE 18 0 53.408577 -2.918228
L13 1BB 10 1 53.408014 -2.919179
L13 1BN 26 0 53.40842 -2.917939
L13 1BP 48 0 53.408288 -2.919877
L13 1BR 7 0 53.408325 -2.920886
L13 1BS 49 0 53.407708 -2.920436
L13 1BW 12 0 53.40801 -2.918547
L13 1DA 17 16 53.406255 -2.924737
L13 1DB 4 0 53.407816 -2.918137
L13 1DD 32 0 53.40752 -2.917814
L13 1DF 29 0 53.406825 -2.918371
L13 1DG 37 2 53.406328 -2.917518
L13 1DH 2 2 53.407238 -2.922938
L13 1DJ 54 0 53.407554 -2.920673
L13 1DL 44 0 53.40591 -2.915854
L13 1DN 12 0 53.40705 -2.914871
L13 1DP 18 0 53.40732 -2.919254