all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 0BD 25 0 53.42402 -2.920879
L13 0BG 16 0 53.423718 -2.921489
L13 0BH 21 0 53.426395 -2.926393
L13 0BJ 22 0 53.426922 -2.926826
L13 0BL 32 0 53.427407 -2.925723
L13 0BN 38 0 53.427098 -2.921472
L13 0BP 36 0 53.426809 -2.927516
L13 0BQ 3 2 53.425553 -2.9235
L13 0BR 33 0 53.428555 -2.925974
L13 0BT 49 0 53.428086 -2.922713
L13 0BU 43 0 53.42763 -2.921303
L13 0BX 26 0 53.427968 -2.925193
L13 0BY 10 0 53.428026 -2.925872
L13 0BZ 38 0 53.428254 -2.923138
L13 0DA 4 0 53.428839 -2.922864
L13 0DB 28 0 53.428707 -2.923825
L13 0DD 12 0 53.429175 -2.924949
L13 0DE 8 0 53.429351 -2.924275
L13 0DF 48 0 53.422806 -2.91381
L13 0DL 4 4 53.425974 -2.91782