all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 1DL 44 0 53.40591 -2.915854
L13 1DN 12 0 53.40705 -2.914871
L13 1DP 18 0 53.40732 -2.919254
L13 1DQ 24 0 53.406411 -2.914978
L13 1DR 18 0 53.406902 -2.918929
L13 1DS 25 0 53.4074 -2.918474
L13 1DT 35 0 53.406825 -2.917243
L13 1DU 40 0 53.406903 -2.917561
L13 1DW 30 0 53.407163 -2.9154
L13 1EB 26 0 53.408399 -2.917157
L13 1ED 12 0 53.408918 -2.917469
L13 1EH 6 4 53.405644 -2.92704
L13 1EJ 12 7 53.406522 -2.929526
L13 1EQ 20 0 53.406616 -2.919886
L13 1EZ 26 0 53.406746 -2.915872
L13 1HD 3 3 53.404169 -2.923639
L13 1HE 1 1 53.404306 -2.925687
L13 1HG 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1HN 2 2 53.404749 -2.923937
L13 1HP 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312