all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 4JD 42 0 53.403466 -2.920345
L15 4JE 28 0 53.404177 -2.921458
L15 4JF 37 0 53.403037 -2.922306
L15 4JG 6 0 53.403285 -2.921739
L15 4JH 15 4 53.399091 -2.92583
L15 4JL 22 0 53.398111 -2.92817
L15 4JN 57 7 53.398641 -2.927023
L15 4JP 12 0 53.397769 -2.928283
L15 4JQ 37 0 53.398291 -2.928159
L15 4JS 5 0 53.398557 -2.927413
L15 4JT 38 0 53.399133 -2.92741
L15 4JU 38 0 53.399185 -2.927667
L15 4JX 69 0 53.399335 -2.927835
L15 4LA 47 0 53.399594 -2.928187
L15 4LB 29 0 53.39987 -2.928569
L15 4LD 45 6 53.401798 -2.933725
L15 4LE 3 3 53.398111 -2.925718
L15 4LF 45 17 53.400221 -2.927193
L15 4LG 33 19 53.399633 -2.924157
L15 4LH 56 2 53.401728 -2.934656