all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 4LJ 14 5 53.400816 -2.931582
L15 4LL 29 10 53.399943 -2.927217
L15 4LP 30 12 53.399233 -2.923712
L15 4LR 48 0 53.401746 -2.928896
L15 4LS 46 0 53.40164 -2.928623
L15 4LT 14 0 53.398988 -2.923993
L15 4LU 26 0 53.39883 -2.923613
L15 4LX 21 0 53.398796 -2.923357
L15 4LY 35 0 53.401477 -2.926528
L15 4NA 14 0 53.400526 -2.927425
L15 4NB 32 0 53.402695 -2.927111
L15 4ND 66 1 53.401735 -2.927978
L15 4NE 36 0 53.402344 -2.927119
L15 4NF 35 0 53.401866 -2.927274
L15 4NG 16 0 53.401686 -2.92736
L15 4NH 1 1 53.402968 -2.937015
L15 4NN 8 0 53.399473 -2.926365
L15 4NQ 1 0 53.401643 -2.930518
L15 4PE 24 0 53.403191 -2.926821
L15 4PF 16 0 53.403138 -2.925587