all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 6UA 17 0 53.392675 -2.908036
L15 6UB 36 0 53.395882 -2.908225
L15 6UD 28 0 53.393986 -2.906951
L15 6UE 26 0 53.395484 -2.909781
L15 6UF 26 0 53.395279 -2.909551
L15 6UG 28 0 53.394922 -2.909257
L15 6UH 18 0 53.396377 -2.909318
L15 6UJ 44 0 53.395814 -2.910103
L15 6UL 17 0 53.39614 -2.910968
L15 6UN 26 1 53.394435 -2.908269
L15 6UQ 23 0 53.394617 -2.909145
L15 6UR 19 0 53.39705 -2.906039
L15 6US 24 0 53.396902 -2.902923
L15 6UT 21 1 53.39724 -2.899832
L15 6UU 19 1 53.397771 -2.911679
L15 6UW 17 0 53.397491 -2.908289
L15 6UX 34 0 53.396766 -2.907823
L15 6UY 23 6 53.396728 -2.898708
L15 6UZ 1 1 53.395943 -2.90385
L15 6WY 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312