all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 6XA 17 0 53.39689 -2.910502
L15 6XB 22 0 53.395144 -2.904886
L15 6XD 14 0 53.394912 -2.905798
L15 6XE 14 0 53.395709 -2.906206
L15 6XF 23 0 53.395351 -2.906048
L15 6XG 16 0 53.392912 -2.902793
L15 6XH 1 1 53.394711 -2.902621
L15 6XJ 25 1 53.393799 -2.904466
L15 6XN 26 0 53.393426 -2.903797
L15 6XP 20 0 53.394093 -2.905931
L15 6XQ 32 1 53.394934 -2.904099
L15 6XR 20 0 53.394236 -2.904897
L15 6XS 1 1 53.39678 -2.896468
L15 6XT 29 3 53.398904 -2.897129
L15 6XU 16 0 53.395403 -2.897943
L15 6XW 14 0 53.392619 -2.904712
L15 6XX 27 4 53.395483 -2.899027
L15 6XZ 1 1 53.397508 -2.897732
L15 6YA 8 0 53.396472 -2.897996
L15 6YB 12 9 53.397643 -2.896532