all postcodes in L17 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L17 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L17 0DE 90 4 53.374924 -2.933332
L17 0DF 20 0 53.376254 -2.932279
L17 0DG 55 2 53.374596 -2.935114
L17 0DH 33 0 53.375807 -2.928557
L17 0DJ 23 0 53.37545 -2.929285
L17 0DL 1 1 53.376304 -2.931664
L17 0DN 4 0 53.375861 -2.93191
L17 0DP 9 0 53.377171 -2.929969
L17 0DR 42 0 53.377467 -2.928893
L17 0DS 47 0 53.376944 -2.929077
L17 0DT 35 0 53.376706 -2.929673
L17 0DU 16 0 53.37641 -2.929502
L17 0DX 6 0 53.376054 -2.929103
L17 0DY 28 0 53.376527 -2.931804
L17 0DZ 42 0 53.376953 -2.931347
L17 0EA 30 0 53.37822 -2.93148
L17 0EB 28 0 53.377322 -2.931325
L17 0ED 42 0 53.377621 -2.930986
L17 0EE 28 0 53.377541 -2.932022
L17 0EF 12 0 53.375938 -2.932423