all postcodes in L17 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L17 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L17 0EG 57 0 53.373699 -2.927894
L17 0EH 45 0 53.373286 -2.925601
L17 0EJ 9 0 53.373191 -2.930859
L17 0EL 36 0 53.37499 -2.934115
L17 0EN 44 0 53.370258 -2.927669
L17 0EQ 79 1 53.373489 -2.926101
L17 0ES 28 1 53.375075 -2.935936
L17 0ET 14 0 53.375354 -2.93471
L17 0EU 14 0 53.375556 -2.934158
L17 0EW 10 1 53.37574 -2.933681
L17 0HG 54 0 53.378268 -2.929948
L17 1AA 1 1 53.389047 -2.935461
L17 1AB 23 0 53.388489 -2.930953
L17 1AD 32 0 53.388467 -2.931524
L17 1AE 77 0 53.384932 -2.931777
L17 1AG 4 3 53.384741 -2.929788
L17 1AJ 61 0 53.383224 -2.931785
L17 1AL 52 0 53.38187 -2.929109
L17 1AN 52 0 53.388295 -2.92937
L17 1AP 4 4 53.383436 -2.939157