all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 9BP 1 53.455309 -2.980832
L20 9BR 0 53.455075 -2.980796
L20 9BS 0 53.454807 -2.980699
L20 9BT 0 53.45459 -2.98074
L20 9BU 0 53.453825 -2.980933
L20 9BW 0 53.455569 -2.980838
L20 9BX 3 53.456097 -2.984419
L20 9BY 0 53.454312 -2.980733
L20 9BZ 0 53.454097 -2.980653
L20 9DE 1 53.457173 -2.984518
L20 9DL 10 53.456558 -2.98196
L20 9DN 10 53.456043 -2.980908
L20 9DP 0 53.456442 -2.977514
L20 9DR 0 53.456029 -2.977429
L20 9DS 0 53.456458 -2.973268
L20 9DT 0 53.456017 -2.973363
L20 9DU 2 53.45675 -2.979404
L20 9DX 0 53.458032 -2.979765
L20 9DY 0 53.457207 -2.978451
L20 9DZ 0 53.456786 -2.97823