all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 9NG 10 2 53.442935 -2.978228
L20 9NH 17 0 53.443557 -2.976812
L20 9NJ 17 0 53.443526 -2.976194
L20 9NL 20 0 53.443718 -2.975912
L20 9NN 6 0 53.44418 -2.97648
L20 9NP 20 0 53.443998 -2.975633
L20 9NR 16 1 53.44525 -2.976459
L20 9NS 2 0 53.446783 -2.976749
L20 9NT 24 0 53.446675 -2.975935
L20 9NU 2 1 53.447645 -2.973547
L20 9NX 24 0 53.446918 -2.975895
L20 9NY 6 0 53.447307 -2.975558
L20 9NZ 1 1 53.44719 -2.977738
L20 9PA 12 0 53.447033 -2.975025
L20 9PF 10 0 53.446792 -2.978045
L20 9PP 3 3 53.457099 -2.982619
L20 9PR 2 2 53.457734 -2.98301
L20 9PS 1 1 53.443052 -2.977011
L20 9QB 8 0 53.444064 -2.980587
L20 9QD 9 0 53.44427 -2.980878