all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 7NA 28 0 53.475875 -2.985253
L21 7NB 26 0 53.476648 -2.983041
L21 7ND 13 0 53.475474 -2.986932
L21 7NE 18 0 53.474861 -2.986074
L21 7NF 23 0 53.475477 -2.984476
L21 7NG 27 0 53.476139 -2.982623
L21 7NH 12 0 53.476022 -2.987847
L21 7NJ 7 2 53.475483 -2.988032
L21 7NL 17 0 53.476284 -2.985775
L21 7NN 16 0 53.477057 -2.983563
L21 7NP 2 0 53.474227 -2.987549
L21 7NQ 19 0 53.477163 -2.981622
L21 7NR 4 0 53.475653 -2.989316
L21 7NS 18 5 53.474429 -2.987087
L21 7NT 19 6 53.475187 -2.98801
L21 7NU 4 0 53.475837 -2.988793
L21 7NW 5 3 53.478275 -2.981691
L21 7NX 42 0 53.476167 -2.988018
L21 7PA 37 0 53.471016 -2.999723
L21 7PB 1 0 53.46897 -2.999495