all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 7PD 19 6 53.469934 -3.001174
L21 7PE 25 0 53.47014 -3.000382
L21 7PF 23 0 53.470476 -2.998898
L21 7PG 10 7 53.470478 -3.000811
L21 7PJ 6 4 53.470273 -2.999586
L21 7PN 39 0 53.473887 -2.996236
L21 7PQ 11 1 53.472414 -2.998083
L21 7PR 14 0 53.473836 -2.993794
L21 7PS 32 0 53.474831 -2.990879
L21 7PT 28 0 53.473282 -2.994369
L21 7PX 14 0 53.474083 -2.994357
L21 7PY 16 0 53.473051 -2.991923
L21 7PZ 28 0 53.47334 -2.991734
L21 7QA 12 0 53.473117 -2.996971
L21 7QB 40 0 53.473123 -2.994064
L21 7QD 12 0 53.472402 -2.994303
L21 7QE 32 0 53.474658 -2.994326
L21 7QF 32 0 53.474206 -2.994677
L21 7QG 38 0 53.475284 -2.991478
L21 7QH 31 0 53.4721 -2.994929