all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 9JD 31 0 53.474363 -2.998432
L21 9JE 22 0 53.478316 -2.997621
L21 9JF 32 0 53.478671 -2.997147
L21 9JG 28 0 53.477078 -2.998375
L21 9JH 15 1 53.474328 -3.005859
L21 9JJ 24 0 53.475898 -3.006197
L21 9JL 3 0 53.476938 -3.005514
L21 9JN 49 0 53.472727 -3.002733
L21 9JP 10 0 53.476012 -3.005477
L21 9JQ 24 0 53.476829 -3.002407
L21 9JR 32 0 53.476263 -2.99914
L21 9JS 36 0 53.475108 -3.002864
L21 9JT 29 0 53.476656 -2.99838
L21 9JU 31 0 53.475412 -3.003022
L21 9JW 18 0 53.474805 -3.005765
L21 9JX 17 0 53.47689 -3.000495
L21 9JY 32 2 53.477383 -2.998518
L21 9JZ 26 1 53.477135 -3.002354
L21 9LA 14 0 53.476528 -3.001858
L21 9LB 18 0 53.476287 -3.002756