all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 9LD 29 0 53.476175 -3.003176
L21 9LE 26 0 53.478141 -3.004548
L21 9LF 22 0 53.47966 -3.003559
L21 9LG 8 0 53.480162 -3.002591
L21 9LH 40 0 53.475889 -3.004088
L21 9LJ 26 0 53.475263 -3.004781
L21 9LL 17 0 53.477762 -2.999341
L21 9LN 32 0 53.479415 -3.004864
L21 9LP 22 0 53.48025 -3.00392
L21 9LQ 28 0 53.478363 -3.003815
L21 9LR 31 0 53.478065 -2.998609
L21 9LS 36 0 53.472968 -3.007228
L21 9LU 16 3 53.472162 -3.005838
L21 9LW 17 0 53.480228 -3.005426
L21 9LX 4 0 53.474258 -3.007771
L21 9LY 35 0 53.476135 -3.007966
L21 9NB 7 0 53.47344 -3.006682
L21 9NE 13 0 53.474003 -3.007102
L21 9NF 7 0 53.475088 -3.007369
L21 9NG 20 0 53.473639 -3.007651