all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 0LA 5 3 53.474198 -3.022248
L22 0LD 9 4 53.47762 -3.023338
L22 0LG 12 12 53.475236 -3.021503
L22 0QH 12 0 53.47466 -3.021595
L22 0LH 1 0 53.47598 -3.022969
L22 0LL 42 1 53.47479 -3.023453
L22 0LN 26 0 53.477086 -3.027124
L22 0LP 10 0 53.475293 -3.02345
L22 0LQ 2 2 53.477592 -3.022464
L22 0LR 15 6 53.475358 -3.02532
L22 0LS 1 1 53.47553 -3.025188
L22 0LT 25 10 53.47587 -3.024323
L22 0LW 28 0 53.477269 -3.026828
L22 0LY 17 13 53.474989 -3.025416
L22 0ND 40 21 53.475748 -3.02364
L22 0NH 39 3 53.475754 -3.026249
L22 0NJ 32 0 53.476049 -3.025472
L22 0NL 37 0 53.476217 -3.024768
L22 0NN 28 1 53.476829 -3.027721
L22 0NP 29 0 53.476389 -3.024546