all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 0NR 20 0 53.476844 -3.023879
L22 0NS 91 0 53.477992 -3.02502
L22 0NT 52 1 53.47758 -3.026127
L22 0NU 57 1 53.476966 -3.025464
L22 0NW 29 0 53.477021 -3.027424
L22 0NX 24 0 53.476825 -3.025054
L22 0NY 4 4 53.478523 -3.022878
L22 0PB 1 1 53.474752 -3.022563
L22 0ZX 1 1 53.475593 -3.027269
L22 0PT 1 1 53.475236 -3.021503
L22 0NQ 15 0 53.475611 -3.025972
L22 0QW 11 0 53.474187 -3.021344
L22 0PJ 2 2 53.475236 -3.021503