all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 5PR 22 1 53.472651 -3.028554
L22 5PS 8 1 53.471907 -3.027376
L22 5PT 23 0 53.470647 -3.026457
L22 5PW 45 2 53.475034 -3.029486
L22 5PX 36 0 53.470321 -3.024671
L22 5PU 7 0 53.470644 -3.024739
L22 5PY 32 0 53.47012 -3.0248
L22 5PZ 7 0 53.46933 -3.023864
L22 5QA 58 0 53.472741 -3.027304
L22 5QD 58 0 53.473428 -3.026072
L22 5QH 9 0 53.473449 -3.026735
L22 5QJ 8 0 53.473213 -3.024967
L22 5QL 1 1 53.472993 -3.025368
L22 5QN 6 0 53.471208 -3.027118
L22 5QT 12 0 53.475999 -3.030262
L22 5QU 16 0 53.473356 -3.027065
L22 5QW 42 0 53.469865 -3.025413
L22 5QX 8 0 53.47333 -3.028043
L22 5RN 22 1 53.468967 -3.024292
L22 5BD 0 53.472592 -3.023912