all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 3PS 0 53.387979 -2.866181
L25 3PT 0 53.388468 -2.866928
L25 3PU 0 53.387535 -2.865421
L25 3PW 0 53.387029 -2.865861
L25 3PX 0 53.386589 -2.864559
L25 3PY 0 53.388357 -2.864911
L25 3PZ 0 53.388183 -2.865343
L25 3QA 0 53.386202 -2.864582
L25 3QB 0 53.386962 -2.865093
L25 3QD 0 53.384231 -2.861159
L25 3QE 1 53.385969 -2.862006
L25 3QF 0 53.384463 -2.861464
L25 3QG 0 53.386187 -2.862897
L25 3QH 0 53.384843 -2.862254
L25 3QJ 0 53.384954 -2.866902
L25 3QL 0 53.385609 -2.863292
L25 3QN 0 53.386126 -2.863918
L25 3QP 27 0 53.382396 -2.855048
L25 3QQ 12 0 53.384667 -2.861799
L25 3QR 36 0 53.383817 -2.853708