all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 3QS 45 0 53.385087 -2.852095
L25 3QT 27 0 53.384004 -2.853998
L25 3QU 29 0 53.386323 -2.851548
L25 3QW 28 0 53.383007 -2.856413
L25 3QX 32 0 53.387931 -2.850302
L25 3RA 38 0 53.387622 -2.850883
L25 3RL 46 0 53.384933 -2.854873
L25 3RN 36 0 53.383926 -2.856071
L25 3RP 22 0 53.387176 -2.852858
L25 3RR 13 0 53.388332 -2.853318
L25 3RS 25 1 53.384122 -2.855038
L25 3RT 20 0 53.387036 -2.852314
L25 3RU 3 0 53.386721 -2.853691
L25 3RW 41 0 53.3833 -2.855683
L25 3RX 18 0 53.385458 -2.852989
L25 3RY 15 0 53.388392 -2.852582
L25 3RZ 12 0 53.389326 -2.853939
L25 3SA 8 0 53.388472 -2.853982
L25 3SB 16 0 53.387711 -2.854704
L25 3SD 27 0 53.386797 -2.854309