all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 6EB 10 0 53.380667 -2.868047
L25 6ED 21 0 53.380601 -2.877021
L25 6EE 5 2 53.381043 -2.88166
L25 6EG 1 1 53.382662 -2.880281
L25 6EH 19 0 53.380547 -2.878283
L25 6EJ 7 0 53.38029 -2.882577
L25 6EL 7 0 53.381154 -2.878881
L25 6EN 3 0 53.379721 -2.88512
L25 6EP 8 0 53.381997 -2.879079
L25 6EQ 7 0 53.38161 -2.879116
L25 6ER 9 0 53.381638 -2.88026
L25 6ES 10 0 53.377028 -2.882509
L25 6ET 12 0 53.376104 -2.880987
L25 6EU 12 0 53.376872 -2.882972
L25 6EW 3 0 53.377597 -2.883378
L25 6EX 32 0 53.376519 -2.88322
L25 6EY 7 1 53.374121 -2.87071
L25 6EZ 60 1 53.374611 -2.872629
L25 6HA 14 1 53.375648 -2.874649
L25 6HB 10 0 53.37676 -2.875904