all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
L25 6HD35053.377382-2.87718
L25 6HE18153.374777-2.871986
L25 6LF18053.375639-2.872154
L25 6HF15053.375768-2.874186
L25 6HG14353.376712-2.875348
L25 6HH8053.375711-2.873388
L25 6HJ8053.37419-2.87241
L25 6HL7153.37442-2.870355
L25 6HN16053.376832-2.877334
L25 6HP9053.375378-2.873471
L25 6HQ18053.378068-2.876758
L25 6HR33053.379405-2.875794
L25 6HS1053.379434-2.875614
L25 6HT7053.380875-2.874035
L25 6HU27053.383728-2.878408
L25 6HW16053.376592-2.877074
L25 6HX5053.384674-2.881766
L25 6HY21053.384613-2.87778
L25 6HZ11053.38425-2.878374
L25 6JA3153.383349-2.878626