all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 2RT 0 53.392198 -2.868162
L25 2RU 0 53.392497 -2.869085
L25 2RW 4 53.390819 -2.861307
L25 2RX 0 53.393245 -2.867687
L25 2RY 2 53.391464 -2.86535
L25 2RZ 0 53.392596 -2.867583
L25 2SA 0 53.393147 -2.866271
L25 2SB 0 53.393347 -2.867178
L25 2SD 0 53.392485 -2.865822
L25 2SE 0 53.393422 -2.86554
L25 2SF 0 53.393258 -2.865867
L25 2SG 0 53.392771 -2.863542
L25 2SH 0 53.393108 -2.863894
L25 2SJ 0 53.39228 -2.865592
L25 2SL 0 53.393719 -2.8652
L25 2SN 1 53.395024 -2.866445
L25 2SP 0 53.394445 -2.864162
L25 2SQ 0 53.392168 -2.864898
L25 2SR 0 53.394852 -2.865494
L25 2SS 0 53.394392 -2.865274