all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 2QJ 13 0 53.385533 -2.858915
L25 2QL 12 0 53.386873 -2.858852
L25 2QN 43 0 53.386724 -2.859435
L25 2QP 4 0 53.386499 -2.856995
L25 2QR 36 0 53.385989 -2.85915
L25 2QS 12 0 53.386408 -2.858436
L25 2QT 18 0 53.389997 -2.864373
L25 2QW 22 0 53.386811 -2.859888
L25 2QY 1 1 53.390353 -2.859854
L25 2RA 18 0 53.389794 -2.865015
L25 2RB 49 1 53.389755 -2.865496
L25 2RD 6 0 53.388224 -2.857135
L25 2RQ 24 19 53.390757 -2.858689
L25 2RF 21 53.390575 -2.859918
L25 2RG 12 53.391176 -2.858878
L25 2RJ 5 53.390257 -2.850363
L25 2RL 0 53.39215 -2.867379
L25 2RP 0 53.390856 -2.865788
L25 2RR 0 53.390996 -2.866603
L25 2RS 0 53.392523 -2.868093