all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L32 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L32 7QG 26 0 53.468616 -2.88001
L32 7QH 30 0 53.467334 -2.875811
L32 7QJ 15 0 53.467256 -2.875417
L32 7QL 18 0 53.467664 -2.877369
L32 7QN 23 0 53.467066 -2.878095
L32 7QP 14 0 53.468507 -2.876407
L32 7QQ 22 0 53.467216 -2.880825
L32 7QR 16 0 53.46831 -2.878768
L32 7QS 26 0 53.467007 -2.879992
L32 7QT 22 0 53.466726 -2.879067
L32 7QU 17 0 53.466075 -2.878406
L32 7QW 22 0 53.467547 -2.878284
L32 7QX 19 0 53.466513 -2.877466
L32 7QY 14 1 53.466055 -2.877109
L32 7RA 10 0 53.466707 -2.882817
L32 7RB 5 0 53.467987 -2.886038
L32 7RD 4 1 53.465955 -2.884866
L32 7RE 12 0 53.46575 -2.87852
L32 7RF 9 0 53.466556 -2.880163
L32 7RG 7 0 53.4669 -2.881089