all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L32 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L32 7RH 27 0 53.466009 -2.879986
L32 7RJ 9 0 53.468709 -2.890437
L32 7RL 9 0 53.468705 -2.889759
L32 7RN 36 0 53.468987 -2.889282
L32 7RP 24 0 53.468243 -2.886646
L32 7RQ 7 0 53.466093 -2.879566
L32 7RR 12 0 53.467889 -2.884635
L32 7RS 13 0 53.467144 -2.883369
L32 7RT 7 0 53.466783 -2.882247
L32 7RW 26 0 53.468465 -2.888157
L32 7RX 21 0 53.470875 -2.875914
L32 7RZ 1 0 53.469589 -2.872029
L32 7SA 9 0 53.470486 -2.871371
L32 7SB 2 0 53.471377 -2.874522
L32 7SD 5 0 53.466767 -2.87595
L32 7SE 12 0 53.470502 -2.881345
L32 7SF 12 0 53.470173 -2.880841
L32 7QA 0 53.465673 -2.877749
L32 7WY 1 53.481327 -2.885939
L32 7WA 1 53.481327 -2.885939